The Stranger Things Phenomenon: Eleven Books We Heard About By Word-of-Mouth

Stranger Things is officially back and for the first time ever we’re going to put down our books so we can binge the entire season this weekend.

Stranger Things is a phenomenon for so many reasons. It wasn’t one of those shows that had a million ads and billboards promoting the first season. It became popular mostly by word-of-mouth and then caught on like crazy.

That got us thinking about books of course! We all have those books we didn’t hear about because of an Instagram account, or an ad, or a movie. Some of the best books we hear about through friends and family and then we can’t help but pass them on. Sharing is caring, people!

What are some of the best books that we heard about by word-of-mouth? We asked a few members from Team Underlined and here are our picks!


Little Monsters

Little Monsters

Little Monsters. I am not a huge fan of books that keep you up all night. Too spooky? Not for me. But when your book BFF tells you there’s something you have to read, how can you say no? This dark, scary thriller is so compulsively readable I stayed up way past midnight to get to that twist ending. Thought the Demogorgon in Stranger Things was scary? Then you haven’t met teenage girls.”


– Jules, Trade Marketing






Beware That Girl

Beware That Girl

“My colleague told me about Beware that Girl by Teresa Toten. I tend to love really dark books so I knew this would be right in my wheelhouse. I was so upset when I finished it because she was on vacation at the time and I couldn’t talk to her about it. I ended up just telling everyone else about it instead.”


-Whitney, Corporate Marketing


Words in Deep Blue

Words in Deep Blue

“When I first started working here, my boss gave me a couple books that I had to read, including Words in Deep Blue. I absolutely fell in love with it and was raving about it to my sisters. My older sister almost never reads YA books, but I told her she just absolutely HAD to read this one. Obviously she loved it too, because it’s perfect, and now she asks me all the time to bring home more YA books from work.”


-Bridget, Publicity


What is your favorite book that you heard about by word-of-mouth? Tag us @GetUnderlined

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