Insanely Inspirational Shelfies

All book lovers understand the complex relationship one shares with a carefully curated bookshelf. However perfect it may appear to the untrained eye, the creator is always one step ahead, planning the next reorganization. And don’t even get us started on shelf accessories! To add memorabilia, plants, or photos is a whole other ballgame!

Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your next redesign, planning your first bookshelf project, or simply a book lover who can appreciate a great collection of colorful covers, here are ten #shelfies guaranteed to send chills down your spine. (Book pun totally intended.)


When moving into a new place, the first thing you want to do is arrange your books. Right?@ninas_buecher_basar


The color coordination here is next level!



Now this is a well-balanced shelfie. From the greenery to the photos to the books, it’s got everything!



Parents won’t let you paint your room? Why not improvise and go for wall-to-wall bookshelves? Fairy lights and bright tassels will finish it off perfectly.



Anyone know the technical term for when your #shelfie does not actually include a bookshelf? This is allowed, right? It’s beautiful, so we’re going with yes.



Proof that even when you have the most beautiful, spacious bookshelf, you still may find piles of books around your room. The good news? Those look pretty, too!



Sometimes your books just need a close-up!



This shelfie is so creative, it gets its own crown.



Speaking of crowns, this collection of rainbow books is basically rocking a flower crown. Need immediately.



Feast your eyes on one of the most creatively built bookshelves we’ve ever seen.


Have a #shelfie that you’d love to share with us? Tag us @GetUnderlined to show it off!

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