Henry James Garrett

About The Author

Henry James Garrett is a writer, illustrator, and creator of the wildly popular Instagram account formerly known as Drawings of Dogs, now @HenryJGarrett. Before that, he pursued a PhD in philosophy on the subject of empathy and metaethics but dropped out due to anxiety. Instead, he decided to focus on what he enjoyed most: using his warm drawings of all kinds of animals to express thoughtful ideas about wellness, social justice, equality, LGBT identity, and more. Since then, he's written and illustrated a piece on empathy for The New York Times; created alternative Valentine's cards for The Fawcett Society; provided Meghan Markle with a feminist drawing of her dog; cartooned for the i newspaper, BuzzFeed, and London Pride; and presented solo exhibitions in London and a beautiful phone box in Brighton. He lives in Brighton, England, with his partner, Kitty.

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