YA Books to Read for the Solar Eclipse

We are so excited for this year’s solar eclipse on April 8th! The last total eclipse visible over the United States was back in 2017, and the next total eclipse over the U.S. won’t happen until 2044. So, if you missed the 2017 eclipse, you won’t want to miss this one!

With the eclipse on our minds, we put together this reading list of books about the sun, the moon, celestial shadows, and science. Check out these solar eclipse books while you count down to this year’s solar eclipse!

The Main Event: The Solar Eclipse

If you’re all in, counting down the days and hours until the moon blocks out the sun, shadowing the Earth for this year’s solar eclipse, then you’ll want to grab one of these books!

Stare into the Sun

If you’re excited to look at the sun with your solar eclipse glasses, these are the sun-themed books for you!

Admire the Dark Side of the Moon

If you’re in it for the power of the moon in this year’s solar eclipse, check out these moon-themed titles!

Revel in the Science

If you’re most excited for the scientific experiments and discoveries that could come of this year’s solar eclipse, these are the science fiction and science-themed books you’ll want to add to your TBR.

Did you enjoy this list of solar eclipse books? Discover more book recommendations here and get social with us at @getunderlined!

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