How to Prepare to Go Back to School, Book Nerd–Style

August is here, which means the school year is starting soon. Whether you begin your year in late summer or early fall, you’ll no doubt want to prepare for everything back-to-school related, especially if you’re a total book nerd! Here are seven awesome and easy ways to get ready for the coming school year, book nerd–style.

Start a reading group at school.

Even if it mostly means organizing your to-be-read pile into a well-crafted list, creating a reading group or book club is a great way to meet new people, get closer to your book nerd friends, and keep everyone reading. Plus, it gives you an excuse to talk about your favorite books on the regular, not just the books you’re required to read in class.

Volunteer to read to kids at your local library.

Do you remember when you first got the reading bug? You were probably a little kid, and you wanted your favorite stories read to you over and over again. Inspire the next generation of readers by volunteering to read to kids at your local library. Not only is it fun, it’s a great way to practice public speaking in a nonjudgmental zone and get to know your wonderful librarians! That will come in handy when the latest YA comes out and you want it FIRST.

Decorate your dorm room or locker with book quotes.

Turn your drab dorm room or school locker into a beautiful bookworm’s paradise with your favorite quotes. Seeing the quotes will inspire you and give you a much-needed boost on stressful days.

Request your favorite YA novels at your school library.

Even if your local public library carries your favorite author’s books, your school’s library may not! Ask your librarians at the start of the school year how they decide what to purchase for the library and whether suggestions are welcome. See if you can’t get the whole school reading your faves!

Make custom bookmarks for your friends.

The simple bookmark is essential for book nerds, so why not make some for your friends as back-to-school gifts? Even if some of your besties aren’t big readers, having a cool bookmark that you handmade for them may inspire them to crack open a novel or two.

Carve out time to read for fun.

You’ll likely be super busy this school year, juggling friends, activities, and, oh yeah, homework, so make sure you carve out time each week (or every night, if you can) to read for pleasure, not just for your classes.

Leave room in your backpack for a book (or two).

Textbooks aside, you’ll want to make sure that your backpack always has enough space for a book (or two). You never know when it’ll come in handy! In emergency situations, we recommend paperbacks and tablets that you can squeeze into tight spaces!

Check out our back-to-school book recommendations

Are you ready to head back to school book nerd-style? Find more great books to fill your backpack here and get social with us at @getunderlined!

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