5 Books Underlined by the Author of Words in Deep Blue

Words in Deep Blue by Cath Crowley is one long love letter.

Two teens who were once best friends find their way back to each other in a family-owned bookstore. The store is home to books that are filled with letters between the pages, notes in the margins, and favorite quotes underlined and circled by hopeless romantics and long lost friends throughout the years.

We asked Cath Crowley to tell us the quotes and notes she has underlined in her favorite books. Have you read any on her list?

1. I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson

“Remake the world.”


2. A Visit from Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan

“Time’s a goon, right?”


3. Will Grayson, Will Grayson by David Levithan and John Green

“‘Why would you like someone who can’t like you back?’ The question is rhetorical, but if I wasn’t trying to shut up, I’d answer it: You like someone who can’t like you back because unrequited love can be survived in a way that once-requited love cannot.”

Note in the margin: Yep.


4. Stardust by Neil Gaiman

“They say that each night, when the duties of state permit, she climbs, on foot, and limps, alone, to the highest peak of the palace, where she stands for hour after hour, seeming not to notice the cold peak winds. She says nothing at all, but simply stares upward into the dark sky and watches, with sad eyes, the slow dance of the infinite stars.”

Note in the margin: If you loved this, read I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith.


5. The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

“He is coming, and I am here.”

Note in the margin: This line reminds me of us, my love, and a strange start. One day you will find this note in our bookshelf, and maybe we are old. Remember that somewhere, in our past, we are young still, and in love.


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